Dry Lawn???

We Can Help!!

Call today to schedule a free consultation for a fully automatic underground irrigation system. Keep your lawn GREEN even during the hot and dry summer months. It’s more affordable than you think. With cutting edge technology, save money and water by installing an new, efficient system.

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Lawn & Tree Care Division is Here!

GreenLine is proudly introducing our New Lawn and Tree Care Division launching Spring 2012.  We will now offer complete Lawn Treatment Programs and Tree and Shrub Treatment Programs to keep your property looking its best.  Check back soon as we update the site to bring you all the details.

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Autumn Deals

Call today and ask about BIG discounts on irrigation systems!  With the weather turning from dry to rainy, we have an overstock of new top shelf irrigation products!  All our systems include first year winterization and spring start-up at no charge along with parts and labor warrantees.  Call today and schedule a free estimate to see how affordable a new system can be.

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Summertime Specials!

Summer is officially here and in full swing. With warmer temperatures and fewer rain days, now is the time to think about IRRIGATION! Save time and money with a fully automatic irrigation system with state-of-the-art cutting edge technology. Call today for a free estimate and see how affordable it is to keep your lawn and landscape Green all summer long.

And what better way to enjoy your outdoors, than from your new patio! Ask us about a new paver patio, and see how quickly you can begin break it in! Check out our Hardscapes Section to learn more.

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Spring Has Arrived

It’s time to get a jump start on the year. Now is the best time to take preventative measures to stop weed growth and get a hold on maintaining your landscape before the growing season really gets started. Fresh mulch and necessary corrective pruning can save you money in the long run. Keep the upper hand on your landscape before it gets out of control. Spring is also an ideal time to establish new plant material. Let us design, and install a new functional landscape for cheaper than you think. Set up a free estimate and see what GreenLine can do for you!

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Spring Has Arrived

It’s time to get a jump start on the year. Now is the best time to take preventative measures to stop weed growth and maintain your landscape. Spring is also an ideal time to establish new plant material. Let us design, and install a new functional landscape for cheaper than you think. Set up a free estimate and see what GreenLine can do for you!

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New Website Unveiled!

GreenLine Lawn & Landscape has unveiled it’s home on the web! GreenLine teamed up with Geoff Matheson Studio to bring you the best in online lawn and landscape content.

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Feel free to send us a message!

If you’d like to request an estimate,
please fill out our Estimate Request Form instead.

Phone: (302) 239-6253 | (302) 322-1550
Fax: (302) 322-0550

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